頭頁 廈英大辭典(1873) 所描寫个廈門話第五聲變調

廈英大辭典(1873) 所描寫个廈門話第五聲變調

廈門話是漳泉濫个混合腔,伊个第五聲按怎變調,可能無蓋一致,有寡廈門儂採用漳腔型變中調,有寡儂採用泉腔型變低調。咱來看 Carstairs Douglas 牧師1873年出版个偉大著作 Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy(通常號做《廈英大辭典》)頭前个 Introduction 按怎講。


Not Abrupt(非入聲)
Never ending in h, k, p, t.(韻尾袂出現 h, k, p, t)

第一類:Level Musical Notes.(像平平个音樂調,包含兩種調)

1. chiūⁿ-piâⁿ(上平,也就是陰平調), high and level(高平調); (舉例) to.

2. ē-khì(下去,也就是陽去調), low and level(低平調);(舉例)tō.

第二類:Single Inflection.(單起伏調,意思就是單純个升調抑是降調,只有一種)

chiūⁿ-khì(上去,也就是陰去聲), low, slow, downward slide(低、慢、下降調); tò.

第三類:Double Inflection.(雙起伏調,意思就是一个調可能先升後降,抑是先降後升,包含兩種調)

1. ē-piâⁿ(下平,就是陽平調),slow circumflex, first falling and then rising, as in astonishment or interrogation(慢个降升調,先降才升,像英語个驚嘆語抑是疑問語); (舉例)tô.

2. chiūⁿ-siaⁿ(上聲,是第二聲)slightly upward and rapidly downwards, like a strong imperative(小可仔升,了後快速下降,親像英語強烈个命令語), (舉例)tó。


When a word stands "first in a group of two," of which the second has the strong accent, then the first word experiences a very marked change in its tonal inflection.


The chiūⁿ-piâⁿ or upper first tone becomes somewhat lower in key, coming down about half-way towards the "ē-khì," but remaining quite level and equable.



The ē-piâⁿ or lower first loses its inflection, becoming very nearly or quite level. In some places it becomes extremely like the unaccented "chiūⁿ-piâⁿ," as described in the preceding paragraph; in other places, especially in Tâng-ōaⁿ, it becomes undistinguishable from the unaccented "ē-khì" tone.



The ē-khì or lower third tone sinks a very little lower than its original form, with perhaps a very slight downward motion. In most cases the alteration of this tone is scarcely perceptible, but when the two words are both of the "ē-khì" tone, then the first is distinctly lower than the second; e.g. chīn-tsāi, chēng-chēng, siū-tsōe.


綜合以上所整理,就 Douglas 牧師所聽所記个廈門音來論,廈門有寡所在是採用漳腔型變調,第一、五聲變調攏是中平調;有寡所在,尤其是同安一帶,第五、七聲變調仝款是低平調(抑是低調微降)。


若是 Macgowan 牧師佇 1883 年出版个 English and Chinese Dictionary of the Amoy Dialect(通稱《英廈辭典》),伊个描寫就較奇怪,伊講:

The first becomes the third.
The second becomes the first.
The third becomes the second.
The fourth becomes the eighth.
The fifth becomes the third.
The seventh becomes the third.
The eighth becomes the fourth.

按呢即種「廈門腔」第一、五、七聲攏變第三聲,真koh樣,也佮 Douglas 牧師 1873 年所描寫个廈門腔無仝。而且 Macgowan 牧師寫了較簡省,並無具體說明本調、變調个調值,所以我暫時無採用伊个講法。

閣來,台灣个情形,1907 年《日臺大辭典》所採用个台灣語標準,一般攏簡單講:就是以廈門腔做標準。但是編者佇頭前「臺灣語ノ發音」所描寫个台灣語,第一聲變調親像第七聲本調,第五聲變調親像第三聲本調(無講也有變第七聲),第七聲變調也是親像第三聲本調,這是泉腔型个第五聲變調。


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